Why do we do Safeguarding training?
Safeguarding training is a proactive measure to protect the vulnerable, uphold ethical standards, and foster a safe and caring environment within the diocese. Safeguarding training raises awareness about how to identify and respond to potential risks and concerns regarding the safety and well-being of individuals, particularly vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, or individual’s disabilities. It helps equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to create a safe environment and protect against abuse, neglect, or harm.
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Who needs to complete which training?
The Learning and Development Framework [2021] provides the ‘guiding principle’ that all who “significantly influence the culture of their church body” should attend the Leadership pathway. Those in other roles are expected to attend the online Basic Awareness and Foundation pathways. The grid below sets out the expectations for various roles; where a footnote number is shown in a box, there can be some local determination about which pathway is most appropriate (notes are shown below the grid). Where roles exist which are not specified below, consideration of the ‘guiding principle’ should determine which pathway is appropriate.
If advice is required, please contact training@peterborough-diocese.org.uk
Ensuring that Safeguarding Training and Safer Recruitment is completed within these guidelines is the responsibility of the PCC and the decisions taken about which pathway is followed for those roles with footnotes below should be minuted by the PCC.
Footnotes for the grid shown above:
The pathway followed will depend on the level of activity and their profile within the church community; it is assumed most will do the separate PTO pathway and not the Leadership pathway. Agreement on this is required with their Designated Responsible Person and where necessary the Bishop.
The pathway followed will depend on the level of activity and their profile within the church community; it is assumed most will complete the Leadership pathway. A decision to deviate from this will require the agreement of the Incumbent and Warden of Readers.
Should a parish moves into a vacancy Church Warden(s) will be expected complete this pathway before the Incumbent leaves. Therefore the Diocese Safeguarding Team strongly advise completion of this course in preparation should vacancy occur.
Access to this pathway would be locally determined to match parish requirements e.g. active involvement in the recruitment process, or line management of paid or volunteer workers.
Where there is a significant leadership responsibility, membership of a local leadership team, or the supervision of other workers, the leadership pathway must be followed.
Access to this pathway is recommended rather than required, however the Diocese Safeguarding Team would strongly encourage completion of this course.
How is training delivered?
Basic Awareness, Foundation, Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse and Safer Recruitment and People Management courses can be completed via the National Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal. If you haven't used this before you can register for an account and then complete your training online at a time to suit you.
The Leadership course and Role Specific Pathways courses are delivered with a trainer, either online using Microsoft Teams or in person. Safeguarding Leadership is a two-part training of 1.5 hours per session, as well as some work to complete at home before and after the sessions.
You can book onto the training and complete all the preparatory work via the Church of England Training Portal. You will need to have a Portal account, which will be the same if you completed the Basic Awareness and Foundation training online. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one using the link above. For more information about how to use the portal please see our guidance notes.
Participants are required to have completed prior learning through the Basic Awareness and Foundations courses. By requesting enrolment, you are confirming prior completion of these.
For further information regarding The Church of England Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework visit Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework
For further information about Parish Safeguarding, see the Parish Safeguarding Handbook