What's coming up...


November 2023
January 2024
Boards and Committees
Thursday, 12 September
Bishop's Management Group
The Bishop of Peterborough is assisted by her senior staff, called the Bishop’s Management Group (BMG), which includes the suffragan bishop, the dean, the diocesan secretary, the two archdeacons, her chaplain, and the adviser for women’s ministry. The group meets monthly and is joined regularly by the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Registrar, Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Clergy Training Officer.

Saturday, 14 September
9:30am - 4:00pm
LF7 - Ethics module (Lay Ministry Course)
LF - Ethics Christ the King, Deeble Road, Kettering NN15 7AA

Public Events
Saturday, 14 September
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Mothers' Union Diocesan Festival
Come and join us to support and celebrate the great work of the Mothers' Union in our Diocese at their Triennial Festival on Saturday 14 September at 2pm in Peterborough Cathedral.

Teacher And Governor Training
Monday, 16 September
9:00am - 1:00pm
Refresher Training for Northamptonshire DSLs
Lesley Pollard will lead this statutory two year Single Agency Refresher Training for previously trained DSLs working in Northamptonshire schools. This will be on Zoom.

Teacher And Governor Training
Monday, 16 September
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Performance Management for Governors
Andrew Lakatos will lead this session on what are the key features of headteacher performance management for governors involved in this important role. It will be held via zoom.

Tuesday, 17 September
10:00am - 12:00pm
Safeguarding Leadership Course - Online
This online event will take place on Teams over two sessions, starting on Tuesday September 17th, 2024 followed by a second session on Tuesday September 24th, 2024, both starting at 10am.

Boards and Committees
Tuesday, 17 September
Houses Committee
The primary objective of the Houses Committee is to discuss repairs, maintenance and ensure the Quinquennial Inspection Reports are fulfilled so all of the houses that are provided for the clergy in the diocese are of good standard on behalf of the Diocesan Board of Finance within a yearly-allocated budget.

Wednesday, 18 September
Board Exec Committee (BEC)
Location: Bouverie Court Note - meeting will al...

Wednesday, 18 September
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Safeguarding Leadership Course - Online
This online event will take place on Teams over two sessions, starting on Wednesday September 18th, 2024 followed by a second session on Wednesday September 25th, 2024, both starting at 6pm.

Wednesday, 18 September
7:00pm - 8:30pm
It's The Way You Tell'em - The Power Behind Story Telling
An evening of stories: telling them, exploring the power of story and learning to tell our own life stories led by Vyv and Charlie.

Thursday, 19 September
10:00am - 12:00pm
Safeguarding Leadership Course - Northampton
This in-person event will take place over two sessions, starting on Thursday September 19th, 2024 followed by a second session on Thursday September 26th, 2024, both starting at 10am. This course will take place at Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7YD.

Children & Youth Ministry Training
Thursday, 19 September
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Launching the new national JOIN Resources
JOIN are new national resources that give you everything you need to run a successful campaign to recruit and look after volunteers for children and youth work in your church. Join Charlotte Nobbs for an online webinar at 2pm on Thursday 19 September to find out more about these resources and how you can implement them in your church.

Thursday, 19 September
7:00pm - 8:30pm
It's The Way You Tell'em - The Power Behind Story Telling
An evening of stories: telling them, exploring the power of story and learning to tell our own life stories led by Revd Don and Revd Charlie.

Children & Youth Ministry Training
Thursday, 19 September
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Launching the new national JOIN Resources
JOIN are new national resources that give you everything you need to run a successful campaign to recruit and look after volunteers for children and youth work in your church.  Join Charlotte Nobbs for an online webinar on Thursday 19 September to find out more about these resources and how you can implement them in your church.

Saturday, 21 September
9:30am - 4:00pm
LF3 - Reading the Old Testament
2nd session of 3 St Andrew & St Mary, Wansf...

Saturday, 21 September
10:00am - 4:00pm
Framing Your Stories with Revd Morna Simpson
Realise your faith story and learn to tell it round the campfire.

Public Events
Sunday, 22 September
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Celebration of 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women
Bishop Debbie warmly invites you to a Eucharist Service to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood. On Sunday 22 September at 3.30pm in Peterborough Cathedral.

Teacher And Governor Training
Tuesday, 24 September
1:00pm - 3:15pm
Teaching and Learning the Hindu Dharma
Ian Nicholson from RE Today will lead a half day course to develop your own knowledge and understanding of the key concepts taught in the Hindu Dharma. Investigating how the central beliefs and values can be explored through the ways in knowing in RE, this course will deepen your knowledge and understanding of this Dharmic religion and give you practical ways to deliver in the classroom. This will be via Zoom.

Boards and Committees
Wednesday, 25 September
Bishop's Leadership Team
Location: Bouverie Court

Boards and Committees
Thursday, 26 September
Diocesan Board of Education
The Diocesan Board of Education is a statutory body with responsiblity for church schools, RE and collective worship in this diocese.
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