Teacher And Governor Training
Friday, 7 March
9:15am - 3:30pm
Headteachers' Conference
The Learning Power Approach
Professor Guy Claxton will share the Learning Power Approach
(LPA), a science-based method of teaching that has several
desirable outcomes: greater engagement by students; higher
levels of academic achievement; better preparation for further
and higher education; and a stronger foundation for a fulfilling
life. The approach blends a traditional valuing of rigour, grades
and the acquisition of knowledge with a more progressive focus
on the development of a useful set of transferable, positive
learning dispositions such as resilience, independence,
curiosity, collaboration and creativity. At this conference,
participants will study the foundations of the LPA in both
science and ethics, and then learn about the sequence of
practical steps that can turn any classroom into an incubator of
powerful learning. There will be plenty of time for discussion,
questions to Guy, and exploring the implications for professional
development in individual settings.
The venue is the Kettering Park Hotel, Kettering Parkway, Kettering NN15 6XT