What's coming up...


November 2023
January 2024
Public Events
Saturday, 2 November
Shakespeare in Song at Lyddington
This year marks 460 years since the birth of Shakespeare, join the Harborough Singers at St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington for a wide and possibly surprising performance.

Boards and Committees
Wednesday, 6 November
Houses Committee
The primary objective of the Houses Committee is to discuss repairs, maintenance and ensure the Quinquennial Inspection Reports are fulfilled so all of the houses that are provided for the clergy in the diocese are of good standard on behalf of the Diocesan Board of Finance within a yearly-allocated budget.

Children & Youth Ministry Training
Youth Ministry Training
Wednesday, 6 November
10:00am - 1:00pm
Young Northants
Come along to hear inspiring talks from young people, networking opportunities and learn about membership of this exciting new collaborative.

Boards and Committees
Wednesday, 6 November
Mission and Pastoral Committee
The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC) is a statutory committee and shares a common membership with the Bishop's Council. It takes responsibility for ensuring that the policies of the Diocesan Synod are carried out with respect to the deployment of ministry resources, in particular stipendiary clergy, available to the Diocese. This provides for a structured and holistic approach to the provision of ministry, its deployment and resourcing, as well as the development of new areas of ministry, with clear intent to further the mission of the church.

Boards and Committees
Thursday, 7 November
Bishop's Management Group
The Bishop of Peterborough is assisted by her senior staff, called the Bishop’s Management Group (BMG), which includes the suffragan bishop, the dean, the diocesan secretary, the two archdeacons, her chaplain, and the adviser for women’s ministry. The group meets monthly and is joined regularly by the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Registrar, Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Clergy Training Officer.

Teacher And Governor Training
Thursday, 7 November
1:00pm - 3:15pm
The Diverse Christian Community
This course will support those of you who want to expose children to the rich and diverse lived experience of Christians around the world. Investigating the way in which the core beliefs are understood and lived, giving you the tools to bring Christian tradition from Asia, the Americas, Oceania and Africa into your teaching. The session will be led by Ian Nicholson from RE Today.

Thursday, 7 November
7:30pm - 9:30pm
LF8 - Mission of God
2nd Session of 6 Bouverie Court NN4 7YD

Teacher And Governor Training
Friday, 8 November
9:30am - 3:30pm
An Update in Online-Safety
This interactive session will look at what has changed in terms of online-safety issues and resources in the past year. It will cover managing online risk, using the internet positively, the effect social media is having on wellbeing and resources to help safeguard children and young people online and effectively build digital resiliency. Led by Alan McKenzie.

Saturday, 9 November
9:00am - 2:30pm
Churchwardens' Training Day - FULLY BOOKED
The Archdeacons are hosting a day to come together, explore the role, offer up to date guidance, and provide opportunities for discussion and mutual support, as well as the answers to specific questions. The day is open to Churchwardens. The training day can give a very good picture of what to expect when in office.

Saturday, 9 November
9:30am - 4:00pm
LF9 - Worship & The Sacraments

Generous Giving
Curate Training
Tuesday, 12 November
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Giving and generosity at Christmas webinar
In this one-hour session we will cover why talking about giving and generosity is important at Christmas and how to do it well with our congregations and visitors over the festive period

Teacher And Governor Training
Tuesday, 12 November
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Roles & Responsibilities for Experienced Church Sch Governor
What are the special features of Church school governance? A session for new governors looking at experiences and how you can develop your role. Andrew Read will lead this session via Zoom.

Teacher And Governor Training
Wednesday, 13 November
9:15am - 3:30pm
Headteachers' Conference
Heads and clergy working together, along with Lucy Moore, Head of The Growing Faith Foundation, Charlotte Nobbs, Peterborough Diocese Children’s Mission Enabler, and Alex Carton, Head of Learning and Engagement at Peterborough Cathedral, will explore how we can maximize the benefits of parish churches and Church school communities working together imaginatively and creatively, and also in partnership with the cathedral. Elizabeth Olulari, who leads on the ‘Leaders Like Us’ programme for the Church of England, will then address the theme of including diverse communities that have been subjected to injustice. Natalie Packer will set out a whole school approach to SEND and what makes for the highest quality SEND leadership. Then in the afternoon Marc Rowland will describe the ingredients for a really effective disadvantage strategy and explain how to enact it.

Children & Youth Ministry Training
Youth Ministry Training
Wednesday, 13 November
9:30am - 12:00pm
Youth Ministry Training Meet Up
Join us for coffee, pastries and a creative discussion on the theme of "Lifelong Discipleship". Venue: The Boathouse, Rushden Lakes

Teacher And Governor Training
Wednesday, 13 November
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Governors' Termly Conference
Turning vision into practice is a challenge for all school leaders, but in practical terms how does a Church school governor protect, monitor and promote distinctiveness across their school at a time of increasing secular societal pressures on all schools. The meeting will be facilitated by Andrew Read.

Thursday, 14 November
10:00am - 4:00pm
Pre-Retirement Day Conference
A one-day retreat to help prepare for this next transition in life

Teacher And Governor Training
Thursday, 14 November
4:15pm - 5:30pm
Primary RE Network Meeting
This network is for all who lead RE in primary schools. Join us for updates on national and local RE issues, opportunities to share good practice across schools and to hear from experts in the field of RE. The content of the meeting will be different each time. Led by the DBE's new RE Adviser Ziggy Brown via Zoom.

Boards and Committees
Thursday, 14 November
Diocesan Board of Finance
Every diocese of the Church of England is required, by the Diocesan Boards of Finance Measure 1925, to have a Diocesan Board of Finance. This is a charitable company which holds the financial and other assets of the diocese and is responsible for over sight of their good stewardship.

Thursday, 14 November
7:30pm - 9:30pm
LF8 - Mission of God
3rd session of 6 Bouverie Court NN4 7YD

Public Events
Sunday, 17 November
Care for Creation
An opportunity to develop your church's Eco Journey.
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