What does the Bishop of Peterborough do?
The Bishop of Peterborough leads the Diocese in its work to bring all people to know Jesus. They are also a focus for unity in the Diocese. As bishop they ordain new clergy each year and are responsible for appointing clergy to the diocese and caring for and supporting those who serve here. They take services throughout the diocese, including confirmations. The bishop is assisted by their senior staff, called the Bishop’s Management Group (BMG), which includes the suffragan bishop, the dean, the diocesan secretary, the two archdeacons, their chaplain, their PA, and the adviser for women’s ministry.
Who is the Bishop of Peterborough?
The 39th Bishop of Peterborough is the Right Reverend Debbie Sellin. Bishop Debbie was installed at a service in Peterborough Cathedral on 3 March 2024.
Bishop Debbie was brought up in a rectory surrounded by church life, but a clear calling to ordained ministry came later in life, being drawn initially to work in a caring profession which resulted in a career in NHS Management.
It was whilst Bishop Debbie was caring for her own young family that she felt a definite call to ministry which deepened over time, leading her to begin her ordination training in 2004. Whilst serving in parish ministry she also took on the additional role of Area Dean, something that gave her a wider perspective and introduced her to the workings of the Diocese. From these roles, she was appointed Bishop of Southampton, something she describes as ‘exciting and daunting at the same time’, but felt ‘a deep sense that this was what God wanted for me that only grew stronger and stronger’.
One of Bishop Debbie’s priorities is to encourage parishes to thrive. She is dedicated to helping parishes in all different contexts be the best they can be; guiding them through vacancies, celebrating those who are flourishing and coming alongside those who would welcome additional support. She is also dedicated to working with young people; her commitment to faith developing at a Crusaders youth group and leading to her starting full-time ministry as a Children and Families Worker.