
Two people talking by a lake

Duties of Churchwardens

Churchwardens are the Officers of the Bishop, elected by the parish. Here are a summary of their duties.

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A plant shoot growing out of the soil

Articles of Enquiry

Information and the form for the 2024 Articles of Enquiry can be found here.  The submitted forms are to be completed retrospectively by the Churchwardens elected and admitted into office during 2023.


The submission deadline has passed.

A churchwardens staff of offfce

Churchwarden Admissions

Information and the Citation can be found here. 

Churchwardens who have been elected at the Annual Meeting of Parishioners in 2024 must complete their citation form.

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Empty church

Benefice Vacancy

When a benefice enters a period of vacancy the Churchwardens, alongside the Rural Dean, have responsibiilty for the parish and help with the appointment process for a new Priest. 

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Empty church pews

Holding a hustings

Ideas and advice for churches on holding a question time meeting or hustings for the General Election.

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A person sat on a roof top looking at a flat block

Visitations to Parishes

Visitations to parishes are carried out by the Archdeacon, the Rural Dean or the Deanery Lay Chair. Every parish is visted on a three-yearly cycle. They give PCC's the opportunity to share stories about the life of their Church and help Archdeacons to shape strategic planning and support.

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A person holding a lightbulb

Churchwarden's Yearbook 2025

The Churchwarden's Yearbook is an annual, one-week-to-view, diary and source of information used by Churchwardens and Clergy in England and Wales. 

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A goldfish in a lightbulb

Books for Churchwardens

Interested in some further reading to assist your role? Here are some resources to help. 

A list of resources will be available soon.

Candles in a church background

Archdeacons’ Charges

Each year, there is a special service to formally admit the churchwardens to this important role in each Archdeaconry. At these services, the Archdeacons' sermons are in the form of a 'charge' to the wardens.

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