Ministry Experience Scheme Interns celebrate the end of their first year

Jake, Jethro and Nadine have spent the last year serving in local parishes as part of the national Ministry Experience Scheme (MES). The MES is a voluntary, flexible and action-packed internship year running from the start of September through to the summer. It is perfect if you have a sense of God's calling but are not sure where to start as it allows you to explore a future in ministry without committing to forever.  

To celebrate this first year of serving, a celebratory lunch was held at Rushden Lakes providing an opportunity to share their experiences of what God has been doing in their lives and through them, with each other and their supporters.  As Revd Chad Chadwick, MES Coordinator for the Diocese of Peterborough says, ‘from preaching for the first time and leading small groups, to serving in the community and blessing our schools, it has been remarkable to watch them stepping out in faith again and again.’ 

Jake completed his internship at St Mary's, Wollaston and shared how he has served refreshments every week at a toddler group, even though it is an age-group that is out of his comfort zone, and Nadine, who has completed her internship at St Peter’s, Oundle, told a story of connecting with Year 10 girls from a local school even though she never previously thought that youth work was her calling. 

Charlotte Nobbs (Diocesan Children's Ministry Advisor) said - 

"I was struck by the commitment to serve even when the areas of ministry were not familiar or even their preferred option.  It was inspiring to hear of the faith journeys, the competence and confidence to be welcoming, inclusive and aware of God’s call on their lives." 

As their MES year draws to a close, both Jake and Jethro plan to stay on for a second internship year as they continue their vocational discernment journey and Nadine has been recommended for training for ordination. 

Our new 2024/25 cohort start their internships on Monday 2 September. Please pray for them and their supporters as they start this wonderful period of serving and listening to God’s calling.  

Find out more about the Ministry Experience Scheme

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