‘Serving is very much at the heart of sports chaplaincy’

Celebrating with Northampton Saints

Whilst working in parish ministry in Burton Latimer the opportunity arose for Revd Jez Safford to take on the role of sports chaplain at the Northampton Saints. Having had some experience of sports chaplaincy during his training at Ridley Hall, and also knowing some of the players personally, it seemed a natural fit. Jez began working half a day per week with the Saints and the remainder of his time was spent within parish ministry. Over time this evolved and Jez now spends half his time with the Saints and half his time in parish ministry. 

Over the years the role of sports chaplain has branched out into much wider pastoral care for players and their families, for those with faith and those with none.  Jez says of sports chaplaincy ‘it is very much about promoting the whole person...helping them be the best they can be off the pitch and helping them deal with the pressures that come on the pitch.’ And with many players under constant scrutiny, Jez offers support and a safe space for confidential discussion.  

Rugby, like many sports involve players moving far away from their homes, communities and churches. For international players with faith, who move to Northampton, prayer groups offer an opportunity to be welcomed straight back into a church family and help them adjust to their lives in a new country. 

The role as Chaplain and Wellbeing and Welfare Lead doesn't stop with the players themselves, and Jez has also been asked to officiate at weddings for players and their families as well as carry out baptisms and funerals. ‘I’m very much the friendly face in the highs and lows of life’. It’s about serving a community, maybe one that is different to a traditional parish, but one that encompasses all aspects of life.  

The partnership between the church and the rugby club began in 1880 when the sports loving, Revd Samuel Wathen Wigg began a ‘boys improvement class’ run out of St James church which went on to become the Northampton Saints. Being a Chaplain at a club that that  began with faith, Revd Jez feels that his ‘tenure has been handed down over the years and continues a long established ministry’ that began with its founder. 

If you would like to reflect further on chaplaincy in sport contact Jez here.

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