How Do I disclose a Safeguarding concern?

If you have information about a safeguarding situation where a child or adult is in immediate danger, or requires immediate medical attention, call emergency services on 999.

The Diocesan Safeguarding team are committed to responding to safeguarding concerns, providing advice if you are not sure what to do, and supporting victims / survivors in an efficient and effective way. They can be contacted at: 

Outside of office hours, from 5pm, advice can be sought from the Thirtyone:eight safeguarding helpline on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 2. Thirtyone:eight is an independent safeguarding charity which works in close partnership with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team (DST). More information can be found here. The DST receives notification of any advice given by Thirtyone:eight, however, you will need to clearly state that you are calling from the Diocese of Peterborough. 

You can also speak with your local church Parish Safeguarding Officer or Benefice Safeguarding Officer as a first point of contact for reporting safeguarding concerns.

If you are concerned that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm you should approach your local Children’s Social Care or Adult’s Social Care department and their details can be found through an internet search.

If you wish to report safeguarding concerns directly to the National Safeguarding Team, please email

For those who have a lived experience of abuse within a church setting, we recognise that this option may not feel safe for you. Safer Spaces is a free and independent support service providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with the Church of England, Catholic Church of England and Wales or the church in Wales. If you, or anyone you are in contact with, want to talk to someone independently please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056  or email: 


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