Full Time Stipendiary

Priest in Charge of The Knightley Benefice

We seek a full-time Priest who will lead us in his or her way to develop what has been achieved so far and to take further steps to broaden our worship and increase our growth. We have a Lay Ministry Team who are keen to help in this.  Closing date: 5 February at Noon

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Rector of The Yardley Hastings Benefice

We are looking for an incumbent to work alongside the church family in all the variety of church and community life in this well established benefice, where support, encouragement and opportunities for mission and ministry will be provided in the beautiful Northamptonshire countryside. Closing date: 29 January at Noon.

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Vicar of St Alban the Martyr, Northampton

We are looking forward to welcoming a new incumbent who believes they have the vision and enthusiasm to respond prayerfully to the needs of this single parish church and its community, and who will lead us in the challenge to continue God’s work in our diverse parish. Closing date: 26 February at Noon.

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