Guest Speakers

The Revd Ben Cahill Nicholls

Ben Cahill-Nicholls is Chief Executive of Clergy Support Trust, which in 2023 helped over a fifth of CoE clergy with their financial, mental and physical health. He is also parish priest of a small village in Surrey. 

Ben will outline the practical ways in which CST aims to walk alongside clergy households, as well as providing space for reflection and discussion on our Individual and collective wellbeing as ministers, and on the centrality (or otherwise) of wellbeing within the Church.




The Revd Canon Nick McKee

Nick McKee is the National Director for Ministry for the Church of England. The task of the National Ministry Team is to renew lay and ordained ministry throughout the Church of England. They do this by providing advice and support to dioceses, the Church of England Bishops, and numerous Theological Education Institutions. They oversee the selection, training and deployment of ordained ministers, ensuring the Church is well equipped to serve God in living out its mission for many generations to come.

The team support dioceses to develop proactive plans to grow vocations to ministry, by sharing good practice, ensuring proper resourcing and providing quality training for DDOs and advisers. Our work is guided by the vision for ministry agreed by the House of Bishops and articulated in Ministry for a Christian presence in every community.

During the conference Nick will be using John 6 to explore the highs and lows of ministry in the 21st century.


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