Make the most of your contactless giving device this Christmas

The Christmas season is fast approaching, so people are already preparing financially for the Christmas holiday period ahead. Now is the time to start planning your Christmas activities. So, what can we do as a Church to be part of that planning? At this time in the year, we usually have some idea of what services we are going to put out on, we also have ideas of what we need to do to bring that planning to fruition. However, we often miss out on the opportunities for our ministry that can come from the Christmas spirit of giving during the festive season. These services we are planning to deliver will attract many people who wouldn’t ordinarily come into our church. Schools will use our facilities, where countless children and their parents, teachers walk through our doors for this service or that Christingle.


Why not set up a display with your contactless device sharing information to explain where funding comes from and what it is needed for? 

There is a misconception that that churches are funded by the Church of England or other funding body, but it is from the generosity of the congregation and visitors that keep the church open and pays for the maintenance of the church as well as ministry. Share this message with people who come into the church and the impact the Church and its volunteers have in the community they serve. Their service and presence in the community is so valuable and needed. What you do, where you go, what you achieve. Even what you hope to do. What it costs for, heating, lights, ministry etc. This information will inspire and can motivate people to help. When we do make it known how we are funded and what we do it lets people know what the Gospel can do. It changes peoples hearts. We need to be prepared for this change. People are prepared to give and help out if they know their money is being used to enhance people’s lives. The Gospel does that. 
Make the most of each event to maximise use of your contactless device.

During the Christmas season, make sure you have your contactless device ready at each service and event to get those extra donations.

Have the device available during Christingle, Carol Services, Family activities and other events. If you have a contactless device, why not create a Christmas campaign screen for your device.

Capture donations from visitors not carrying cash

At Christmas time, and other special times of the church year, Churches will have visitors that do not normally attend church and may not carry cash, so prefer contactless or card payments. If you have a contactless giving device, the church will not miss out on these extra donations. Make it visible and tell your visitors that they can donate using your contactless machine. Make sure the contactless is in a prominent place, so people can’t miss it!

What if my church doesn’t have a contactless device?

Alongside contactless giving devices there are also online giving options we can help you with. There is the ability to use digital payments using a QR code.  This is an online giving opportunity where people can scan a QR code with their phone and give to the Church. We have supported churches by creating pew cards or posters with a QR code which can also be put on your newsletter. The Generouse Giving Team can help your church set up giving using QR codes at Christmas or for your regular Sunday giving.

If you want to talk to the Generous Giving Team about contactless giving devices or online giving, contact 

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