Parish Giving Scheme Workshops

As a diocese, we swapped over the Parish Giving Scheme in 2021. We did this to upgrade our dated standing order system. We now have over 230 parishes on the scheme, with over 3200 givers across the Diocese. We have gathered some encouraging statistics since we have adopted the PGS. From this, the team has recognised the benefits of this direct debit scheme. During Covid, it come into its own; in fact churches continued to collect the gifts that were set up irrespective of whether the church was open or shutdown. The PGS scheme also has an inbuilt mechanism that allows for the gift to be increased yearly. This is an optional mechanism and can be entered into or opted out of. Many churches benefited from this and their giving has gone up year on year by the tick of that option box.

If you want to know more and want to hear what the scheme is all about, we have arranged a workshop for your deanery. In this, we will explain the scheme, share experience and help you set it up in your church should you decide to adopt it.

Each workshop will be from 7pm until 8.30pm

Refreshments will be provided.

Come and look at the benefits of this scheme. We will also bring along the contactless devices we have been offering to parishes.

Dates of the remaining roadshows are:

Rutland Deanery

Wednesday 3rd July, 7pm at All Saints Church, Church Street, Oakham, LE15 6AA
Please let us know you are coming by completing this booking form.



Find out more about the Parish Giving Scheme here


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