Parish Return of Finance
You can now enter your Return of Parish Finance
To complete your Parish Return of Finance, you will need:
- Income and expenditure records
- Annual account information with breakdown of income and expenditure in categories
Statistics for Mission
You can now enter your Statistics for Mission Return
To complete your Statistics for Mission, you will need records of attendance at church services and other missional activities.
How do I complete my returns?
You have two options:
Option 1. The Church of England Parish Returns Portal
Log onto the Church of England Parish Returns Portal and submit your data.
If you do not have a login for the portal, please email: for a username and password. Once you have a login, you can use this for future returns.
A helpful guide to using the portal can be downloaded here.
Option 2. The Diocese of Peterborough
Print and complete the return of finance form and statistics for mission form with your parish data and either:
- Scan to or
- Or, post to The Generous Giving Team, The Diocese of Peterborough, Unit 1 Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7YD
Once we have your completed form, we will enter your data on the portal.
If you do not have a printer and would like a printed copy, please contact Nuala at Bouverie Court: 01604 887049 or email:
Energy Footprint Tool
The Energy Footprint Tool is now open. More informaiton about completing the Energy Footprint Tool can be found here.