Generous Giving Campaigns
Over the last four years, the Generous Giving Team have devoted most of their time to equip churches to operate in the post-covid world focussing mainly on generous planned giving utilising the Parish Giving Scheme and new ways of giving including contactless and online facilities.
Our main focus going forward will be working with parishes to provide generous giving campaigns to encourage members of our churches to respond to God’s call on every part of our lives including our finances. To enable us to do this we will be working through each deanery in the coming months to show parishes how we can help and support them. Please look out for the events that we are planning this year. If you don’t want to wait until then, please do get in touch with us directly and would be happy to come and support you.
We are also very happy to visit parishes on a Sunday to preach about generous giving during your services.
To run a Generous Giving Campaign, we can support you with putting together a campaign booklet to distribute across your parish. This can outline what it costs to run the church alongside information about the ministry of the church. A Generous Giving Campaign can be tailored to your parish to reflect its ministry and the local community around it.
If you would like support to run a Generous Giving Campaign, please contact the Generous Giving Team.
Generosity Week
28th September to 5th October 2025
We hope that your church can make the most of this opportunity to grow generosity in your parish. Find out more here
Why Give? The spirituality of generous giving
Stewardship is not about finance, it's about love - read more here
8 reasons believers give to your church - find out more on the website. Click here for more information.
Building a Generous Church - watch this video from the Church of England National Giving Team.
Giving in Grace
Resources to support your church in encouraging an attitude of grace in giving for church goers.
Resources can be found on the Giving in Grace website here.
If you want to learn how to increase giving to your church, there are four areas we need to focus on, and they helpfully form the acronym MINT:
Have the right mechanisms for giving, such as direct debit, contactless, online, legacies, gift aid and so on.
Show the impact of people’s giving, how it enables the church’s ministry and mission.
Explain the need for people to give, so they see how important it is that they give.
Build trust, so that people have confidence that the church will spend their gifts wisely and well.
Visit the The Church of England website for more information about MINT and further resources to support you in encouraging generous giving within your church.
Gift Aid
Gift aid is an opportunity to increase your income from donations by claiming back tax from donors who are tax payers. Through gift aid, your church can get an additional 25% on donations. You can also claim gift aid under the Small Donations Gift Aid Scheme for donations under £30.
To claim gift aid on donations over £30, taxpayers need to give their details for you to be able to claim it. The Parish Resources website, has information and resources which explain how to claim gift aid on donations. You can find out more about claiming under the Gift Aid Small Donations Gift Aid Scheme here
Cost per Stipendary Priest
What does it cost to have a vicar in post in your parish and benefice?
This document gives a breakdown of the cost of having a vicar in post
Easy Fund Raising
As part of our aim to provide funding support to churches in our diocese, I want to tell you about our partner easyfundraising. It enables your church to receive free additional income.
Find our more about easyfundraising here
Re-Imagining the offertory
For many years churches have passed round a bag or plate during a service to collect offerings of money. It is probably fair to say that the reasons for doing this are little understood by the average congregation.
Reimagining the Offertory (PDF).
Resources for children
Here are a selection of resources to use with children to develop generous giving:
Seasons of giving - an all age worship service (download here)
Young People Giving for Life (download here)
Money Matters - creative resources for talking money for children and young people (download here)
Preach Exodus: Action Scenes (download here)
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde (download here)
The Selfish Giant By Oscar Wilde Cartoon (download here)
Want to know more about stewardship?
As a team we are happy to work with you. If you have any questions or want to discuss any giving matters contact the Generous Giving Team.