Ways of Giving

Regular Giving

Peterborough Diocese is using the Parish Giving Scheme to administer regular giving in churches. If you would like to join the sheme or want to know more visit the PGS website or contact the Generous Giving Team.

Contactless Giving

Using contactless card readers is a great way to make it easy for people to give generously. You can also use these devices to take payment for fees, refreshments among other things. As a society, we are generally carrying less cash as more and more transactions are made contactlessly, so it is important that our churches enable members of our congregations and visitors to give contactlessly too. 

In 2022, Peterborough Diocese took part in a rollout of contactless giving devices with the National Giving Team. 52 devices were distributed across the diocese; these devices have taken over £190,000 in donations so far. Since then, the diocese has supplied 85 subsidised devices to an additional churches; some churches have sourced their own contactless devices.

Currently, over £198,500 has been taken in donations from online giving and contactless devices which is a huge boost to our parishes' economies. A total of 135 contactless devices have  so far been distributed to parishes across the diocese.

We continue to support parishes with obtaining and using contactless giving devices and online giving opportunities. Paul, Pete and Nuala are more than happy to support churches with all aspects of giving including contactless, online and monthly giving. We can arrange a call or visit with you or your Parish to discuss your needs..

If we work together, we can lighten the load. Watch our video to find out more:

Find out what some of the churches say about the benefits of this opportunity.

Find out more about using contactless card readers and other ways of contactless giving here.

Online Giving

Churches can also take advantage of using onling giving as a way to get donations through a giving page using QR codes. If your church is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme, or has a Give A Little account that is used with your contactless device, then you can download a QR code for your church which you can put in your newsletter or we can create QR code cards for you to distribute in your church. This way, individuals can donate through their phone or digital device in the church or at home. This provides an additional opportunity for giving if you do not have a contactless device or even if you do this can work alongside it.

Here is an example of QR code cards; these can be tailored for your church.


Contact us if you want to know more about how to use QR codes

Easy Fundraising

In 2020 The Diocesan partnered with easyfundraising to provide an additional simple way for churches to raise additional income. 

Whenever you shop online, if your church is registered with easyfundraising and you access the website where you are shopping through the easyfundrasing website, small donations will be made to your church. The more people that you can encourage to do their online shopping in this way, the more the small donations build up!

Find out more about easyfindraising here

Legacies and Wills

“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours” 
1 Chronicles 29:11 

Leaving a legacy in a will is a way to support your church to fulfil its mission and ministry. Legacy can be seen to be a natural element of Christian giving. 

Here are some resources and information for you to encourage legacy giving in your parish: 

The Parish Resources website can support you with encouraging legacy giving in your parish, reasons why Christians should have a will and guidance on receiving a legacy

Additional resources are available including a short video for your PCC and church members. 

There are also resources on the Church of England website

The Church of England have now partnered with Farewill to offer a free will writing service for anyone who wants to write a will and leave a legacy to their church. 

A legacy presentation given by Eleanor Stead, National Legacy Officer. Download the presentation here (ppt).


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