Parochial Church Council 
PCC stands for ‘Parochial Church Council’ The group that has the responsibility for managing the financial and legal responsibilities of the parish. Also responsible for vision, staff management, building management, resources management and so on. Members of the PCC consist of the churchwardens, treasurers and secretaries.
The APCM is the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Actually it comprises of two meetings the ‘Vestry Meeting’ which elects the Church Wardens for the coming year and the APCM itself which is the business meeting of the Church. It’s a meeting we’re legally required to have and must take place before the 31st May each year. The meeting is only open to members of the Church electoral roll, and those present vote on the appointment of PCC members, Deanery Synod representatives once every 3 year or when there is a vacancy and to accept the audited accounts of the Church.
For more guidance on APCM as well as form templates please visit the parish resources website
For more information for Parish Treasurers see: Parish Treasurers
Mission and Finance Statistics
We provide mission and finance statistics for each parish.