Bishop's Management Group Letters


Bishop’s Management Group letters are sent approximately once a month to the clergy, churchwardens, lay ministers, diocesan and cathedral staff, they are included in your monthly Peterborough Diocesan News distribution. 

They are mainly informative, may include policy announcements, or raise discussion on strategic and longer-term issues. Here is the most recent letter, earlier letters are linked below. 


BISHOP’S LETTER 27                                                                                                              11 March 2025 



Dear Friends,

At the Bishop's Management Group (BMG) annual residential at Launde Abbey this month, we spent time discussing definition of responsibilities for our various Diocesan groups and committees, including our own.  In an age where acronyms and buzz words abound, the church is as guilty as other organisations of falling into jargon and this often leads to assumptions about where, why, and by whom, decisions are made.   Where there are fuzzy areas around these things it can lead to confusion about expectations and accountability.  

As we travel through our Diocesan Year of Prayer, we were reminded that prayer underpins everything we do.  The parishes of the Diocese are who BMG are here to serve and so we are bold enough to ask for your prayers as the work we have done at Launde moves forward and bears fruit. 

It can be easy to feel daunted in the face of the task we face, be that running a parish, serving those in hospital or prison, juggling work commitments and church commitments or supporting others to flourish.  We can mistakenly think that it is down to one individual to make things happen and to become frustrated when it doesn't appear go our way.  

We must keep reminding ourselves that we all have one shared goal that is to grow God's Kingdom.  In that endeavour we are accountable to each other as well as to God.  It is only through working with open hearts and minds together, joining in with the wonderful things God is already doing that we can truly serve him and each other. 

Have a blessed and holy Lent, 






Revd Canon Paula York

Dean of Women's Ministry


Previous letters

Bishop's Management Group Letter 25 - 11 February 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 25 - 14 January 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 24 - 17 December 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 23 - 13 November 2024




















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