Bishop's Management Group Letters


Bishop’s Management Group letters are sent approximately once a month to the clergy, churchwardens, lay ministers, diocesan and cathedral staff, they are included in your monthly Peterborough Diocesan News distribution. 

They are mainly informative, may include policy announcements, or raise discussion on strategic and longer-term issues. Here is the most recent letter, earlier letters are linked below. 


BISHOP’S LETTER 18                                                                                                              11 June 2024 




Dear Friends,

These are exciting times for the Diocese as Bishop Debbie helps us think through our mission priorities for the coming years, working with the issues that were raised during the Vacancy in See process and shaping a process where as many voices as possible are able to contribute. As members of the Bishop’s Management Group we are privileged to play a role in what the Bishop has described as a “journey” which will demand careful listening, as well as planning, and above all will be undergirded with prayer.

One of the key issues that is already emerging, and of course is something that we are very conscious of across the Church, is the need to increase our outreach to and connections with children and young people. How do we attend to the concerns of our young people? How do we engage them with our worshipping communities? How we shape our structures, our PCCs, our Deanery Synods, our Diocesan Synod and other bodies to enable their participation?

These are some of the questions we have begun to address as we try to grow a church in which (as St Peter, quoting the prophet Joel put it in Acts 2:17) “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams”. Male and female, young and old, all have so much to offer in enriching our understanding of God’s Kingdom. Liberating the insights of the young, drawing on the wisdom of our older members – this is the journey we are on. Do pray for Bishop Debbie in her leadership and for all who will travel with her.

With best wishes

The Very Reverend Chris Dalliston           

Dean of Peterborough                                                                          




Previous letters

Bishop's Management Group Letter 17 - 15 May 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 16 - 15 April 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 15 - 12 March 2024

Bishop's Management Group Letter 14 - 13 February 2024


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