The Bishops' Office

The Bishops of Peterborough and Brixworth are supported by a central office. The Bishops' Office works very closely together, but each member has their own responsiblities.  Here's a little more about who does what;

Steve Benoy is Chaplain to the Bishop of Peterborough. He supports the bishop in many areas, particularly liturgical matters and is the first port of call for confirmations and any services involving the Bishop. He is responsible for any CCSL and One Off PTO requests.

Alex Tolley is Executive Assistant to the Bishop of Peterborough. She is responsible for administration relating to the Clergy.  She is the named contact for GDPR matters in the bishops’ office and acts as secretary to a variety of the Bishop’s meetings.

Rachel Lomas is Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Peterborough  She is responsible for the Diocesan Bishop’s diary. She manages the Bishops’ Office finances and distribution of grants to clergy. She has administrative oversight for Readers, lay minsters, lay workers and those wishing to be in touch with our Honorary Assistant Bishops. 

Suzanne Carter is PA to the Bishop of Brixworth. She is responsible for Bishop John’s diary, correspondence and supporting him with his day to day work. She has administrative oversight for PTO, ordinations and curates. She is the first point of contact for those who wish to apply for PTO.

Jo Oldaker is Administrator to the Bishops Office. She has administrative oversight of the DBS and Safeguarding training renewals as well as clergy file movements. She supports the whole office in their day to day work including arranging catering for a range of meetings and events.

To contact the Bishops Office please call 01733 562492 or email one of the staff above.

To contact the Bishops direct, please email Bishop Debbie or Bishop John

Find out more about the Bishop of Peterborough.

Find out more about the Bishop of Brixworth.

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