40 Acts of Kindness for Lent A bit like an Advent Calendar, but each day is for thinking about doing something kind together: with your family, church, on your own, or with your class;
Bible Reading Suggestions and talking about Lent and Easter to Children
Easter Bible Chat Mats Free downloadable placemats from Bath and Wells diocese. Colour in as a mindful activity, and use the questions to help stimulate conversation;
Easter Puppet Show resources A downloadable resource for running your own Easter puppet show for children;
Easter songs, short films and videos
Easter Trail In school, in church, around the community;
Experience Easter-Jumping Fish Publications Exerience the Easter story by creating scenes in your own church building or worship setting;
Experience Easter Outside with your church or school by creating a walk through scenes of the story;
Holy Week ideas Accessible activities that help families speak about Easter in an intergenerational setting;
Simply Easter-A Guide to the Rosary
Spring, Valentine and Easter/Muddy Church Wonder and wander...
Easter Magic Bag YouTube resource
The Servant King Simply Easter Maundy Thursday activity