Simply Outside

Welcome to the great outdoors!  With children that means active exploring, piling sticks, looking for signs of life and having fun whilst allowing the Holy Spirit to lead the activities. Young people (and the young-at-heart) can be encouraged to be mindful, to share their experiences with each other, and perhaps to create an artwork with found materials. 
If you are leading a trail around the churchyard, whether to look at memorials or nature (or both), tread lightly. Watch and wait as the creatures in your outside space make themselves known. Listen and watch for the presence of God in the world around you. 


Bird Bingo

Caring for God's Acre

CMC Simply Outside leaflet (Mini Pilgrimage)

Dandelion Lion Template

Dandelion Lion.png

Eco Prayer Station

Fumes or Futures

Green Christmas

Go-Team 10 ideas for summer

Pentecost Kite

Planting a seed activity (Muddy Church)

Signs of Life

Top Tips for Walking with Children

Wonder Walks 1

Wonder Walks 2

Wonder Walks 3

Wonder Walks 4

Wildlife Quiz  (Click on the links to download the Quiz Sheet and wildlife information sheets which include ALL the answers! Display the wildlife information around your outside area so everyone can get the answers right!)






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