The Church of England is led by the Archbishops of Caterbury and York and diocesan bishops across the UK. They provide guidance and direction to all churches across the country and make decisions on the Church in society. The General Synod is an assembly of bishops, clergy and laity and creates the laws of the Church. Although the Bishop of Peterborough, through the Diocesan Synod and Bishop's Council provides guidance and direction across the diocese, he is supported by a number of boards and committees that meet to make important decisions, provide advice to the Bishop and facilitate the work that needs to be done. For further information or advice about how the work of the Diocese of Peterborough is governed contact the Diocesan Secretary.

The General Synod is the national assembly of the Church of England.
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Every diocese has its own Diocesan Synod consisting of bishops, archdeacons, elected laity and elected clergy. Diocesan Synod has a varied and wide ranging role in the governance of the diocese.
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The Bishop's council is the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Synod.
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The role of Diocesan Secretary, is to help lead strategic planning, shape
policy and manage the Diocesan Office to ensure this vision is implemented.
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Every diocese of the Church of England is required, by the Diocesean Boards of Finance Measure 1925, to have a Diocesan Board of Finance. This is a charitable company which holds the financial and other assets of the diocese and is responsible for over sight of their good stewardship.
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The Diocesan Board of Education is a statutory body with responsiblity for church schools, RE and collective worship in this diocese.
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The Diocesan Registrar is the legal officer of the Diocese.
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