Remembering Sheila Addison
It is with great sadness that we record the death of Sheila Addison.
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It is with great sadness that we record the death of Sheila Addison.
The process for discerning and appointing the new Bishop of Peterborough.
A reflection from Bishop Donald as we look forward to Christmas.
At a special service on Saturday 19 November, St John's Church in Ryhall celebrated the replacement of their old worn out lead roof with a new roof made of terne coated stainless steel.
Bishop John was delighted to award Ridlington Church with its Eco Church Bronze Award.
Since the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, Tove Benefice has been doing all it can to support those affected.
Access recordings, photos and resources from the 2022 Ministers' Conference which took place from 7-10 November at Yarnfield Park.
The Rt Revd John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth will be Acting Bishop for the Diocese of Peterborough when Bishop Donald retires in January.
The Presidents of Churches Together in Shire & Soke have written to all church leaders to urge them to work together to be as effective as possible.
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