Christmas activities and resources

Welcome to the Christmas resources that you and your church are welcome to copy, adapt and make most relevant to your setting. All the resources are designed for building relationships with children and families, in schools, at home and with church. Our hope is that they can be used to share the good news that Jesus, God's son, has come to live with us, in our communities. Please contact Charlotte if you need any further support.

Nativity Puppet Show resources

This 20 minute Nativity Puppet Show will enable you to tell the Nativity story in an interactive, memorable and pictoral way.  The resource includes free downloadable puppets  and a story script, which can be used for any Nativity story-telling (they are not limited to puppet shows!) 

Watch these films to show you how to assemble the puppets.

If you would prefer to purchase a pre-printed, pre-cut set of nativity puppets with dowel rods included (cost £10), click here. Please contact Louise Skinner to arrange delivery/collection following your purchase.

All the resources are available here on the Nativity Puppet Show page





Additional Christmas Rescources:

The Church of England's theme for Advent and Christmas 2024, Follow the Star: Calm and Bright, draws on the world-famous carol, Silent Night:

“Silent Night! Holy Night!
All is calm, all is bright...”

Click here

You may also like:

Experience Christmas includes detailed instructions for six stations that can be created in different parts of the church or school, engaging children with the events leading up to Christmas through interaction and reflection. Children work in small groups to explore each of the stations, then come together as a whole group to visit the final station.

Nativity escape room

Year 7 Christmas Assembly Idea

Resources to Borrow:

Narnia Prayer Space for schools-contact The Lighthouse Trust, Northampton Includes props for story-telling, and reflections, scene by scene.

If you would like to borrow our Christingle Puppet, please contact Charlotte Nobbs

A Green Christmas

download the full document here


Some ideas for Outdoors activities:


Christmas Fire Pit idea

Muddy Church Christmas

Nativity Trail

Nativity Character Hunt

Nativity Escape Room

School Railings Advent Calendar

Jesse Tree

Light up our village

Travelling Crib with Rota 

Fun Christmas Crafts:

Cake Decorating

Christmas Chat Mat in the Classroom and Christmas Chat Mat resource

Christingle Cupcake

Community Knitted Angels & Travelling Crib with extra sheep + Angels Knitting Pattern

Finger fortune tellers

Glory to God prayer card

Make a box Christmas tree

Mary and Jesus Paper Concertina Decoration

Nativity scenes made from sweets and lolly sticks

Wooden Christmas Decoration

6 Toddler Christmas Sessions from Care for the Family

Adopt a family

Advent Family Worship Booklet

Candy Cane Olympics and Talk idea

Cheeky Pandas Christmas Series - join the Cheeky Pandas exploring the Christmas Story through crafts, sketches and jokes

Chocolate Nativity Story

Christmas story and activities for preschool and KS1 and Christmas songs

Christmas Story Quiz and Answer Sheet

Messy Christmas Book-3 sessions and craft ideas for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Nursery Rhyme Activity

Prayer cards

Simply Christmas-Christmas/Epiphany Gifts - A resource for intergenerational worship in church, at your local school or elsewhere.

Baby Basics-Giving a baby a safe place to sleep

When Jesus was born, he slept in the animals’ feeding place, because Mary didn’t have a bed in which to place her newborn son.
Baby Basics Northampton wants to ensure that every baby has a safe place to sleep and that each mother has the essentials she needs for the first weeks of a baby’s life.
Could your church give the gift of love this Christmas to local families by supporting Baby Basics Northampton?

Click here for items YOU can collect to provide for vulnerable new parents and their newborn babies.

For further information on the Baby Basics Northampton Christmas Churches campaign, please email:









Connecting with families beyond Christmas:

  • Over the Advent/Christmas period, invite families to join fun-filled events in the New Year. What about a Light Trail in the churchyard or at the local park, with refreshments afterwards? Muddy Church offers a comprehensive resource to enable you to run this-Click here for LightTrailMuddyChurch

  • Why not invite families with upper primary to teenage children, to an Escape Room experience in the churchyard in the New Year. Dads seem to love this event!

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