
Bishop's Bible Day Inspires

On Saturday 18 March 200 people came together to enjoy a day of reflection, fellowship and focus on the bible at Bishop John’s Bible Day.

Diocesan Library Book Amnesty

The Diocesan Library is holding a book amnesty to help find several hundred books which are missing from its shelves.

The Tove Benefice Continues to Support the People of Ukraine

With the help of local resident Paul Parsons, a further £30,000+ has been raised to purchase more medical and humanitarian aid.

Benefact Trust launches new Building Grants Programme

The Benefact Trust has launched a Building Improvement Grants Programme as part of their new-look grants framework.

Churchyard Conservation Award Scheme Launched for 2023

The Wildlife Trust has launched its Churchyard Conservation Award Scheme for 2023 and is inviting you to get involved.

Gen 2 Project Annual Report Published

The Annual Report of the Gen 2 Project has been published revealing more engagement with young people and growing cultural change towards youth ministry in the Diocese.  

New Wardens of Lay Ministry Licensed

Four new Wardens of Lay Ministry have been licensed by Bishop John with two dedicated to working within each Archdeaconry

Bishop's Chaplain to walk whole length of Diocese

Steve Benoy, Bishop's Chaplain and Cathedral Canon Missioner, is undertaking a prayer centered walk through all our deaneries in the period between Ascension and Pentecost as part of the global Thy Kingdom Come Prayer movement.

Living in Love and Faith

Living in Love and Faith is a process initiated by the Church of England in 2017 to consider questions of sexuality, relationship and marriage. The College of Bishops has gathered together on three occasions to agree on outcomes from this process to bring to General Synod in February.   

221 Divorce Help - Call for Hub Churches

221 is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers and committed to helping people who are finding it hard to cope with all the emotional and practical difficulties they face after the break-up of a relationship.

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